Yesterday (10/18/09) we took the train to the airport to meet up with Brian’s girlfriend Kristen. Once at the airport we got a bit lost (there are two separate buildings you have to take a bus to get to.) Each building had different arrivals and departures. Even though we left with plenty of time we ended up being a little late and couldn’t find her. Brian insisted she must have gone to her hotel.
We then took a taxi to her hotel and sure enough she was there just out of the shower. The three of us went out to eat Tapas and drink wine and sangria. Brian gave me the key to the apartment and I headed back as they went to her hotel for the night. (Yes the airport thing took all day!)
It’s sometimes hard to sleep in this neighborhood. There are people awake at every hour of the day. I wake up multiple times during the night. If it’s not people talking, or children, it’s the street cleaners that come by twice a night (conveniently at 1am and 3am? Pffft!)
This morning (10/19/09) I woke up around 5am did some (much needed) sit ups and got ready to take the train once again to pick Ashley up from the airport. Her plane landed at 8:55am. I got there just in time to see her walk out of customs. We took the train and the metro back to the apartment so she could shower and freshen up.
We had breakfast together, which consisted of two eggs (sunny side up) with the most orange yolks I’ve ever seen, four pieces of toast, three slices of thick bacon, orange juice, and cappuccino for 5 Euro.
We had a great conversation with our Pakistani waiter named Babar. He told us to watch out for Moroccans because they rob and like to slit throats. He also said the Iranians do the same, and they like to get wasted. He said Pakistanis like to work hard and drive taxis lol.
People here are very eager to help with directions, common sense, and just friendly hellos. Ashley and I took a Taxi to her hotel, which turns out to be right outside of Barcelona in a city called Barbar. Apparently when she was booking her hotel she typed in our apartment address to find the closest hotel and the Internet site gave her something different. Not knowing how far away she was, she booked it. So it cost 30 Euro to get to her hotel by the mountains. It’s a beautiful room over looking the mountains of Spain.
Then we took a taxi (10 Euro) to the train (1.5 Euro/ per person) and finally the metro to meet up with Brian and Kristen at Hotel Cram. Brian had a funny look on his face. Kristen explained she would not be joining us today because she was very tired and wanted to sleep.
After we left I asked what was wrong. Reluctantly he explained that she basically broke up him. Said things weren’t “working out.” Imagine my surprise! Awwww but seriously why come all the way to Spain to meet up and then give some lame excuse? Well I’m sure she has her reasons. So, Brian was bummed out all day. Regardless we managed to get a lot done.

We visited the Sagrada Familia. It a 120 year old cathedral that is still under construction to this day! It is the most amazing structure I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t get the whole thing in a picture even if I tried (thank goodness for postcards!) Every detail is so intricate. What a complex piece of architecture.
We took the metro to the Boqueria. The Boqueria is a huge out door market. You can find everything there! From fresh fruits and veggies to meats, cheeses, a whole array of mushrooms, dried food, exotics, spices, and even multiple types of eggs (ostrich eggs, and many unidentified eggs some with speckles, some big, some tiny with a blue tint, brown eggs, and white eggs.)
Our appetite grew and we ended up at a Tapas bar called Egipte. My meal came with fresh baked bread, salad, sangria, and paella (which is a rice dish with a mix of sea food.) After our bellies were filled we walked towards the metro stopping a few times to see the living statues.
Just like in New Orleans only much more extravagant! There are Gargoyles, Angels, tree men, a huge fat lady, Edward scissor-hands, a (fake) body with a table next to it with a head in the middle of the table. The head/guy would make squeaky sounds and with a HUGE smile make this monkey sounding laughter and a pan to throw money in would shake making a loud clattering sound scaring the shit out of people as they walked by.

Eventually we parted ways with Ashley on the metro. Tomorrow we’ll meet up around 10:30am and begin another adventure…
Hey guys, Halloween is around the corner you know what that means right?? Orange and black plastic bags are in season! Please save and donate them to me! Be ecocentric, Go green, or whatever the F#&K. Support your favorite eco artist (me! J)