Sunday, November 12, 2017


The flight was long. Two day of airports and flights to get here. I knew it wouldn’t be an easy thing however I didn’t realize the reality of it all until I was about 10 hours into it. I was Exhausted but happy.  A really nice 75 year old man named Simu spent the last stretch of the flight with me. He was super friendly and with a 10+ hour flight we got to know each other.

I am here in Addis now. It’s chilly. My flight being two hours late Girma waited to pick me up from the airport and bring me back to his family’s house. Girma is only one of the 10 sisters and brothers Abba Worku (who took care of me the last time I was here) has.

I reunited with their sister Simay we quickly caught up before I retired last night.  Simay has two children now! Her youngest is only weeks old. I have gifts of course for her and the family. Books, candy, Some dry items from home. A few things to taste and enjoy and a thank you and I missed you all of sorts.

I am not sure what today holds. I am hoping to get a prepay card for my little ancient Nokia cell phone. I need to make some calls to let my other friends know I have safely arrived. I also have to get in touch with Asseged so I can go visit his schools before the weekend. I’d also like to find internet so I can upload this Journal and let all YOU my friends and family at home know I am here and I am safe…

…Full day! I went with Girma’s sister Simay and her friend Salam out to the doctor. Simay recently gave birth and so we took her newborn to the doctor for a checkup.  

Afterwards we came back for a home cooked lunch of shiro and tibs with injara (Shiro is puréed chickpeas withspices and some oil. Tibs is usually fried goat with tomatoes,  jalapeños, and onion. Injara is a gray spongy sourdough flat bread that is high in iron amoung other things and is also used to pick up food in your right hand. It also replaces the need for silverware.)

  Two other sisters were at the house today and I met mom and dad. I got to also see two more of the brothers that also live in Addis. Abba Worku lives in Dire Dawa where I will travel to on Sunday.

Gifts, gifts and lots of gifts for this family because without them I would never had made it this far.  Mahlet (one of the sisters) let me paint a pink and purple butterfly on her face after showing her photos of the work I’ve done.

Girma came home from work and took me for some buna (coffee in Amharic) and then to mom and dad’s house for a homecooked dinner of shiro, sheep tibs, and injara.

Also, hosted my first crocheting with plastic grocery bags! These sisters knew how to crochet already so it was simple to teach them how to process the plastic grocery bags into PLARN (Plastic Grocery Bag Yarn.)

Now time to sleep. Denah deru (good night.)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

....::::Earthly Children::::....

It's been 7 years since I took these photos...
Seven years... Before Smartphones. Obama was in his first year as POTUS. 
I abandoned this blog.
I became Mrs. Misty Amber Moore.
I adopted my husband's three kiddos and we had one together. Mom and my step father moved in with us and lots of things have changed... yet I am the same. The same person. A full time artist and I still love to travel! So finally after a much anticipated wait I am coming home. Home to Ethiopia where all things sprouted. The cradle of the Earth's Children. I invite you and  hope you will follow me once again on my journey. A glimpse into my experiences as I once again adventure out of my Plano Texas USA bubble.