I have to admit I haven't kept a steady Journal since what's his face destroyed my previous Journal obbsession. I especially have had a hard time blogging since it is public, but what the hell now I really am an open book. . .
Well here it is! My last day in Dallas. Yeay. I've been waiting for this flight for over a year now.
Well here it is! My last day in Dallas. Yeay. I've been waiting for this flight for over a year now.
I liked WW/MK a lot, but he has decided best to "just be friends" and I am fine with that however I'm not spending too much energy on it anymore. He was the first guy I really persude on my time and well I think I'll just let em come to me if they're serious and go from there. WhAtEvEr.
I had Mars and Todd over lastnight for dinner. Yummy Mars! I love your tasty concotions!
Back to Paris, I have a list of things Ashley and I are going to do while there. She is trying to convince me to go to Amsterdam for a day even though it's going to cost a lot of our spending cash. I haven't decided if it would be worth it yet.
Plans changed a bit concerning spoken word events. David decided to not have the Paris Poets Open Mic for the rest of the summer due to low attendance. However, there is the France Slam.
David plans on taking us to Slam night and I plan on compeating (In English.)
Also the Catacombs is a high interest of mine. David said to bring clothes to get wet and dirty in and I'll just trash em when I'm done so I don't have to take em back with me. I can't wait! Ashley is afraid she will get ancient dead body particals on her, and is a bit Eeked out about the whole thing.
I think I have everything packed. Whatever I forget I'll buy there. I guess that's all for now and back to work...
I love myself!
I had Mars and Todd over lastnight for dinner. Yummy Mars! I love your tasty concotions!
Back to Paris, I have a list of things Ashley and I are going to do while there. She is trying to convince me to go to Amsterdam for a day even though it's going to cost a lot of our spending cash. I haven't decided if it would be worth it yet.
Plans changed a bit concerning spoken word events. David decided to not have the Paris Poets Open Mic for the rest of the summer due to low attendance. However, there is the France Slam.
David plans on taking us to Slam night and I plan on compeating (In English.)
Also the Catacombs is a high interest of mine. David said to bring clothes to get wet and dirty in and I'll just trash em when I'm done so I don't have to take em back with me. I can't wait! Ashley is afraid she will get ancient dead body particals on her, and is a bit Eeked out about the whole thing.
I think I have everything packed. Whatever I forget I'll buy there. I guess that's all for now and back to work...
I love myself!
i'm totally going to judge you!
i hope you have a great time jsut be safe and retrun to us safe love you tia
The catacombs are wet and dirty but not *that* wet and dirty. No need to throw away your clothes afterward!
Bon voyage!
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