We got our Halloween on. We found a costume pub crawl (three bars and a dance club.) Halloween is NOT big here and all the people you see in costume you can guarantee speak English. It was fun though. I danced my ass off even as much as my legs hurt from all the walking we've been doing hehe. I went as a dragonfly (i brought some wings) and painted my face. Brian was Zombie Castro. People loved my face painting a girl we met a one of the bars pulled liquid eyeliner out of her purse so i could "paint" on her face heh.
Our internet has been in and out yet again. Brian is running out of inspiration for the photography book he is working on here. I can understand becuase things are beginning to look familiar now. When we first got here everything was new and taking great pictures was just a click away. Now we're seen everything and the pictures are slow to come by.
Brian has also gotten himself sick. Maybe it's the weather? It's chilly in the morning hot in the afternoon and chilly again at night. So far i'm feeling great. Other than the fact that I walk so much everyday my legs fell like jello.
It's so noisy on the street we stay. Barcelona really is a 24hour city. Even at 4am people walk by with their music playing on their cell phones singing and yelling, people slamming doors, babies crying, mothers yelling at them. Street cleaners make it sound like the world is at an end. Lot's of loudness!
This is my last week in Barcelona, Spain and then i'm off to Essex UK!
1 comment:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Cara Sullen,
Your Dragonfly face paint was awesome! Such a wonderfully beautiful Dragonfly you are! ;)
Enjoying the travelogues!
Can't wait to see you again!
Light and Love,
Love is the law, love under will.
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